Bathe Marine Skincare Hydrating Body Balm 30ml
Natural Kelp Extract and Phytoplankton combine with our world famous hydrating body balm base to help make this lotion the perfect way to combat the stresses placed on your skin while travelling.
Product Code: RGBATHMMB
Quantity per carton: 128

What your customers are saying about our products Prev Next
I recently used your products and would like to purchase the shampoo and moisturiser as they are brilliant!!
A year ago, we stayed at an AirBnB in New Zealand and I brought home a small bottle of lanolin moisturiser that they provided. I love the product! Is it available at all in Canada?
Like all the previous comments I would like to purchase your products for home use in Melbourne. Your hotel range is fabulous
I love your “out of this world” moisturiser and pleat wrapped soap. If it is possible to purchase these
After using some of your products I was just wondering if there were any shops in Tasmania where you can buy them.
Hi stayed in motel that stocked your products wondering if you sell to the public as i love the moisturiser
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I'm using your Bathe Marine products which I came across during my travels here in Australia. I'm extremely impressed with the product. I would like to know if I can purchase from you some more of these beautiful products.