Vamoose IT Cleaning Tissue
Keep your work station clean and bacteria free by giving it a quick wipe down periodically. Ideal for cleaning phones, keyboards and cables etc quickly and easily between shifts. HandSafe Sachet Towelettes and Health Pak Cleaning Sachet Towelettes are an alcohol based antiseptic towelette wipe suitable for eliminating bacteria, fungi and most viruses on the surface of the skin. The latest updates on the Ministry of Health Website (see link below) on Swineflu recommend using Alcohol based rubs as a means of cleaning hands or skin to protect you from influenza. Our cleaning wipes are an effective way to also sterilize anything from phones to keyboards, door handles and even toilet seats. Theses towelette sachets are individually sealed and are an ideal portable option in any working environment that can be used instantly. No need to carry bottles which can leak or are bulky on your person, these sachets fit into any pocket, wallet or purse and can be used without mess or fuss. Simply o
Product Code: HPCT
Quantity per carton: 1000
As an ex NZ I love your products, but how can I get them over here on the Gold Coast? Kind regards