Pohutukawa Environmental Tent Card
Front: Please help us to conserve water and energy by hanging your bath linen for re-use. If you would like your bath linen replaced please leave it in the bath or shower cubical. It will be replaced when your room is serviced. Thank you. Back: Epitomizing the green image of New Zealand, all the Pohutukawa hair & skin care products contain either Manuka oil, Manuka leaf and/or Lanolin. Needless to say, all our shampoos, conditioners, body wash, moisturisers & soaps are made right here in God's Own. Made in New Zealand, Bio degradable, Free from animal or petrochemical by-products, Made from a 100% vegetable base, GE Free, Tested on humans, not animals, Printed on 100% recycled, oxygen bleached cardboard.
Product Code: POHUTENT
Quantity per carton: 50
Hi, I've used your products while traveling in NZ and love it. Do you distribute them in Singapore? How can I buy them?